
This page is updated manually with status of current and recent (30ish days) events.

(Times are US/Arizona UTC-7)

Current status is: Green: I am completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly normally.

20240725 @ 9AM: Updated Mod_Security settings to reduce chances of false positive.

20240521 @ 2:00 AM : Mail server upgraded were successful. Inbound and outbound mail is working. 
Due to some of the security updates, very old app email settings may no longer work correctly. Please verify settings match our current recommended Email Server settings 

20240520 @ 11:47PM Arizona time: We’re updating the email server software. It’s a big update, and we expect mail to be flaky for the next hour or two. Incoming email will work, but logging in and accessing it mail will be unreliable as the software is updating.

Status key with examples:

Green: I am completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly normally.

AMBER: External network issues or planned maintenance

RED: Server down or critical bug/security flaw needing immediate fix

Magenta – a major external Internet provider or service is having troubles (Cloudflare / External DNS / etc)